SPOR>International Camp
International Camp
International Camp arrangeres med fokus på alle, der er kommet til Danmark fra andre steder i verden. Som en integreret del af hele Hjallerup er der både arrangementer med fokus på at gå på tværs af kulturer og nationaliteter, og der er arrangementer målrettet deltagere med international baggrund.
Alle er velkomne i International Camp!
The International Camp at Hjallerup is a place of fellowship for people, who have moved to Denmark from another country. The tent in the International Camp will be a meeting place for people from different cultures and nationalities.
Everyone is welcome in International Camp!
Se under kontakt i topmenuen.
Alle er velkomne i International Camp!
The International Camp at Hjallerup is a place of fellowship for people, who have moved to Denmark from another country. The tent in the International Camp will be a meeting place for people from different cultures and nationalities.
Everyone is welcome in International Camp!
Se under kontakt i topmenuen.